
Jerry Doss, Pastor | Abundant Faith Christian Center

“Sparkle taught me that before you can successfully promote your organization, you must look at internal processes and structure—because it’s what happens on the inside that keeps people coming back, not the letter they get in the mail or your billboard.”

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Michelle santiago, Outreach Ministry Director | Windsor road chrisitan church

"I hired Sparkle during a season of transition in my life. I didn't know it at the time, but God was leading me to make a huge shift in my professional life. What I love most about Sparkle as a coach is her ability to listen attentively to all the details and excuses I have in my head, while guiding me to move forward. She's patient with the points she wants to make, wise with the words she uses, and impactful with her intuition.

Don't believe the lie that professional guidance is for those who don't have intimate relationships or are disconnected from God. We all go through seasons when we need the trained perspective of a professional. I encourage you to invest in your growth and pursue the life God created you for. It's worth so much more than we can see or imagine."

Over the course of four months, Sparkle encouraged and challenged me. Every session was one of tears, laughter, and deep insights.
— Michelle Santiago | Life Coaching Client

Ciobhan Dunn, administrative support staff |university of illinois at urbana-champaign

“I signed up for Sparkle’s 8-week personal growth course because I felt stuck in my life and needed some clarity. I wanted to grow but didn’t know how. These sessions gave me the space to think about what I want to do next and how.”


Javae Wright, Founder + CEO | Leadaz 4 LIfe

“Sparkle is bigger than just marketing—she’s a visionary who comes equipped to add what’s needed to your existing program or project. I took her fresh approach, then mixed it with her strategic planning and “outside of the box” thinking. The results were simply amazing. Bringing Sparkle on board is by far one of the BEST decisions I’ve made as a business owner. And together, by faith, we are fulfilling purpose as we take my brands to the highest level.


lisa Dalbey, owner |masterspec home inspection services

“The fear of failure has been a struggle for me for most of my life. I blamed myself for my family issues and my career not turning out the way I hoped. Sparkle has helped me identify these false beliefs and coached me on how to dismantle them with God's truths. I am discovering my identity is not in my failures and negative outlook. This is helping me be a better business owner, wife, mother, and grandmother. I'm seeing progress in my life for the first time.



Vineyard Church of Central Illinois

Real Life Families

University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

College of Liberal Arts & Applied Sciences

Developmental Services Center

Clark Lindsey Village Retirement Community


Schedule your free consult.